A young aspiring girl becomes the first female engineer in her community. In her quest to solve global challenges and to make a lasting difference, she contributes to design, manufacturing and sales of technologies like wireless and satellite phones, internet to homes and smart meters.
Heeding her calling, she then immerses in the mission to bring the excitement of science and engineering careers to children. With rigorous labor of love, she develops STEM For Kids®, an educational system, that for over a decade has been enabling entrepreneurs, teachers and educators globally to bring fresh multi-dimensional STEM curriculum into their classrooms.
Now with over 1500 hours of STEM activity plans in various themes covering engineering (aerospace, civil, mechanical, environmental, bio-medicine), technology (coding, robots, AI, Internet Of Things), business and social emotional learning, her clients, parents and students have a lot to get excited about.
Her creation, STEM For Kids, ranked #173 on the highly coveted Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500 list in 2021. She is a recognized Leader in STEM who has delivered "quadruple-wins" in numerous communities in 6 countries.
Meet Moni Singh, a learner, an engineer, an educator and a mother of three children.